
For questions, please write to us at

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ section would be updated based on incoming questions from participants.

Q. I have a design for a shelter that can fit for humanitarian purposes. Can I make a video about it and submit it?

The competition is mainly about reading a shelter essentials message and the case studies related to it then expressing your understanding in a video format. We are not expecting participants to submit architectural designs of humanitarian shelters.

Q. I am not a student studying a “humanitarian shelter and settlements” course. Can I participate?

A. The Video Competition is open to all above 18 years. Although it targets mainly students with a built environment background, students and professionals from other disciplines are more than welcome to submit their videos.

Q. How many videos can I or my team submit?

A. Participants can submit a total of 12 videos, corresponding to the Shelter Essential Messages (a-l). We encourage all to make videos for as many messages to increase their knowledge of each message, and their chance of winning the competition.

Q. Can I make a video with two or more messages?

A. You are allowed to submit only one video per message. You can choose multiple messages and submit multiple videos.

Q. My video is in English. Do I still need to provide subtitles?

A. Yes. All videos are advised to have subtitles to make it reach a wider audience. Make sure the subtitles are legible.

Q. Are there any restrictions to the artistic style of the videos?

A. No, we have no restrictions to the style for the videos being made, or the applications they are made on. They should adhere to the general guidelines provided, and should be relevant in translating the Shelter Essential message to a video.

Q. Shelter Projects website has a photo library. Is it allowed to use these photos in making the videos?

A. Yes. The photos on Shelter Projects website can be used in the video provided they are properly credited and used with respect to the persons appearing in them.

Q. Which organizations exactly will be using the produced videos?

A. The Global Shelter Cluster and partners will have the right to use the videos royalty free for humanitarian purposes with due credit on their respective social media channels. To know more about the Global Shelter Cluster Partners visit