Shelter Projects
Photo Competition 2024
Dear Photo Competition Contributors,
We regret to inform you that due to the recent suspension of US funds, all USG funded activities related to the Shelter Projects initiative have been suspended effective 24 January 2025.
Accordingly, the Photo Competition 2024 has been temporary put on hold.
We deeply appreciate the collective efforts already dedicated to it.
We will be providing timely updates would anything change on the above-mentioned point.
Many thanks for your understanding and continued support.
Shelter Projects Team
On behalf of GSC- Shelter Projects Working Group
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Shelter Projects is a global initiative that documents and shares case studies, lessons learned, and best practices in shelter and settlement responses for communities affected by disasters, conflicts, and displacement. It serves as a resource for humanitarian practitioners, policymakers, and organizations to improve the quality and impact of shelter interventions worldwide. For more details, visit Shelter Projects.